Siswi SMA Negeri Sabun Berpidato Bahasa Inggris Saat Perayaan Hardiknas Tahun 2024 - SOE POST


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Sabtu, 04 Mei 2024

Siswi SMA Negeri Sabun Berpidato Bahasa Inggris Saat Perayaan Hardiknas Tahun 2024

Liputan Reporter Gho,Wartawan SP 
Editor Redaksi Soe Post 

TTS||,- Peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional Tahun 2024 di Kecamatan Boking dua hari yang lalu, diketahui media ini ada yang lain. Dimana pada upacara kali ini, Roswita Gregorinda Selan siswi kelas XI SMA Negeri Sabun berpidato menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.

Bertempat di Sekolah Dasar Inpres Nano, Upacara memperingati hari pendidikan nasional tersebut berlangsung hikmah.

Berikut kutipan Pidato Roswita Gregorinda Selan yang diperoleh media ini.

Good Morning to all of us

Thank you for time that given to me today. I want to deliver my speech.

My speech is about heroes cultivate a heraich spirit but before that, let me introduce my self to all of you.

My name is: Roswita Gregolinda Selan

You can call me: Winda

I'm senior high school

First of all, we should offer praise and gratitude to God Almighty Because his love and affection is so great and he still gives us the opportunity to here today. 

Ladies and gentlemen 

Today in Indonesian heroes day, we remember and honor, day bravery and saceydices of our nation's heroes. They fought courageously for our freedom and independance, risking their lives for a better future, for us all Indonesian people. 

Ladies and gentleman 

We owe it to them to continue  their legacy of patriotism and dedication to our country, let us strive to be the best versions of Ourselves and contribute to our society, meaningfull ways just as our heroes did before us.

Ladies and gentleman 

That's all my short speech. I apologize if there are any mistake.

Let us never forget their sacrifices and always had them in our hearts as we work towards a brighter future for the Indonesian.

Thank you so much.

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